Moving from thinking to doing to results
Working with Lisa Baxter is always a dynamic and stimulating professional experience. The strength of Lisa's approach is her ability to marry strategic vision and practical delivery

Sheena Wrigley, Chief Executive,
West Yorkshire Playhouse


Moving from thinking to doing to results

The Experience Business brings your insights, ideas and strategies to life in a way that gets results.

Action is often the hardest part of strategic planning and implementation. The Experience Business will help you deliver strategies in a way that genuinely engages and motivates all involved.

By inspiring you to take action and providing you with the insight, tools and thinking capacity to act, you will seize opportunity, solve problems, embrace change, deliver on your objectives and achieve success, whatever your focus:

  • Communications
  • Brand
  • Programming/Curation
  • Customer Experience Management
  • Fundraising
  • Audience/Business Development
  • Participation and Engagement