Artist Development

Art comes to fruition when it is experienced by the audience. These experiences are rich and multi-dimensional, yet often leanly understood and underexplored. What if artists engaged their empathy and explored how their artistic choices impact on the audience experience?
In answer to this question I have created a professional development tool called The Performing Artist’s Audience Workbook to help artists grow their creative confidence, deepen their audience sensibility, inform artistic practice and inspire more intuitive risk taking. Commissioned by Creative Scotland in 2020, its freely available to download and use, or you can opt to have an applied learning experience through individual coaching or workshops for up to 24 people.
Designing the Workbook, with Philippe Brasseur

Artist Development

If you are an artist, producing company or support artist professional development, I can work with you and your company, your students or members to:

Delivery Partners

  • Creative Scotland
  • National Touring Network Highlands and Islands
  • Bradford Producing Hub
  • Panta Rei Danseteater [Norway]
  • Dansens Hus [Norway]
  • Dansarena Nord [Norway]
  • Artekale Street Festival [Spain]
  • Burn the Curtain Theatre Company
  • SKUDA – The Actors and Dancer’s Alliance [Sweden]
  • Nordic Art Station [Sweden]
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